Oh this boy...I don't know whether to laugh or be mad or cry with him sometimes. These past few days Owen's favorite game seems to be how many times can I push the power button on the cable box before I am stopped. At least he thinks it's a game. No matter how many times we "remove him from the area" and say "NO!" he seems to think it's funny. I think at this point, the child has lost all feeling in the top of his chubby little hand. I'm so scared to slap his hand too hard...at what point is it considered child abuse?
Before I had a child I was always so sure of how well-behaved and disciplined my kids were going to be...HA! Don't even get me started on dinner time.
On a lighter note. I love this boy...he brings me so much joy and I feel so blessed to be his caregiver. He's getting better at taking steps. Every day he seems to be less wobbly and more confident. He is also developing quite the personality. I see a lot of Kyle in him. Whether it be a goofy face or a sloppy hug he is always trying to make me laugh. The other night Owen heard me laugh and decided to mock me by throwing his head back and bellowing out a, "bahaha". This in turn made me laugh again and so he repeated. He's a great boy and I pray that he develops a generous and caring heart. That he grows to serve God and follow Him.
Enough with the mush...here's a pic of his latest goofy face.