Wednesday, August 19, 2009
"dog" has been found
Friday, August 14, 2009

This little guy made fast friends with my son...he's all of 6 inches big and easy for Owen to cuddle. His name is "dog". We took dog with us to youth camp a couple of weeks ago and since then he is all Owen asks for. On monday...Owen brought dog over to Elijah's house to play and somehow he got away. I didn't think it was too big of a deal until bedtime when Owen was looking for dog. He was so sad and it made me sad too. You see, dog was given to Owen 2 years ago. And there is no chance that Target will sell the same exact blue puppy for $5.99 that they sold 2 years ago. So I ventured online in hopes of finding "dog 2". Well, I sure you know how much this little sucker markets for these days? $20 - $30...yes that's a hefty mark up. I'm definitely in the wrong proffession. I'm just going to buy up all the soft little stuffed animals and in a couple of years put them on Ebay for desperate parents to find. Not only that, they have an entire website designed to help you find lost lovie's to replace. I'm really glad that Owen didn't become attached to this other little blanket/puppy that my mom gave was selling for $40. I think I'm going to buy a "dog 3" & "dog 4" because I'm sure the price will go up as it becomes older.